Rare Animal Sighting Updates at Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve

The following table serves as a record of rare animal sightings updates from tourism zone other than tigers. For tigers, see Tiger Monitoring

Showing 621-640 of 1,982 items.
#Animal NameRecord DateRecord TimeZoneReported ByNote
621Leopard Dec 11, 2019PM4,5Nature guide, Shard SharmaA leopard was sighted at common track between 4 and 5.
622Leopard Feb 26, 2021AM3Nature guide, SunilThree leopards were sighted.
623Leopard May 18, 2022AM2Nature guide, Netram MeenaA sloth bear was sighted.
624Leopard May 4, 2016AM3Nature guide, Shard sharmaTwo leopards were sighted at zone no. 3 it is really very rare sighting ....
625Leopard Dec 12, 2019AM4,5Nature guide, Shard SharmaA leopard was sighted at common track between 4 and 5.
626Leopard Feb 28, 2021AM4Nature guide, SunilA leopard was sighted.
627Leopard Mar 23, 2017AM6Nature guide, Jaideep Singh It was big day for the visitors of zone no.6 while They spotted big three of Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve. First, Kumbha was sighted and another spot, a leopard was also sighted. After that a sloth bear was sighted while it was walking ...
628Leopard Jan 1, 2018AM7E. D. C Imran Ali A leopard was sighted.
629LeopardNov 13, 2018AM10Nature guide, Shaid ATwo leopards were sighted.
630LeopardMar 21, 2019PM1Nature guide, Pramod SharmaTwo leopards were sighted.
631Leopard Dec 12, 2019PM4Nature guide, JaideepA leopard was sighted.
632Leopard May 20, 2022AM7Nature guide, Satish Verma A leopard was sighted.
633LeopardMar 22, 2019AM4Nature guide, Pramod SharmaA leopard was sighted.
634Leopard Dec 13, 2019AM2Nature guide, Javed RafiA leopard was sighted.
635Leopard Mar 4, 2021PM2Nature guide, SunilA leopard was sighted.
636Leopard Jan 2, 2018PM2Nature guide, Pramod Sharma A leopard was sighted.
637LeopardNov 14, 2018AM1Nature guide, NadimA leopard was sighted.
638LeopardMar 22, 2019PM1Nature guide, Shard SharmaA leopard was sighted when it was sitting on rock.
639Leopard Mar 4, 2021PM2Nature guide, SaadA leopard was sighted.
640Leopard May 16, 2016PM1Nature guide, Satish Upadhaya A leopard was sighted ...

Note: The reported data is based on the tiger sighting updates from tourism zone at Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve by Ranthambhore nature guides and drives.