Rare Animal Sighting Updates at Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve

The following table serves as a record of rare animal sightings updates from tourism zone other than tigers. For tigers, see Tiger Monitoring

Showing 461-480 of 1,982 items.
#Animal NameRecord DateRecord TimeZoneReported ByNote
461Leopard Oct 28, 2017AM7Nature guide, Jaideep Singh A leopard was sighted.
462Sloth bear Nov 4, 2017AM2Nature guide, Jaideep Singh Two sloth bears were sighted by few vehicles.
463Sloth bear May 18, 2018AM2Nature guide, Jaideep Singh 3 sloth bears were sighted.
464Jungle Cat Dec 27, 2016AM5Nature guide, Jaideep Singh A jungle cat was sighted.
465Sloth bear Nov 7, 2017PM5Nature guide, Jaideep Singh A sloth bear was sighted.
466Hyena Nov 8, 2017PM6Nature guide, Jaideep Singh Hyena was sighted very rare sighting ...
467Sloth bear Nov 9, 2017PM2Nature guide, Jaideep Singh A sloth bear was sighted.
468Leopard Jan 12, 2017PMRanthambhore Rd.Nature guide, Jaideep Singh A leopard was sighted by one vehicle.
469Leopard Nov 26, 2017AM2Nature guide, Jaideep Singh Leopard was sighted.
470Sloth bear Nov 26, 2017AM2Nature guide, Jaideep Singh sloth bear was sighted.
471Sloth bear Jan 25, 2017PM6Nature guide, Jaideep Singh A sloth bear was sighted.
472Sloth bear Dec 13, 2017PM6Nature guide, Jaideep Singh A sloth bear was sighted.
473Leopard and Sloth bear Mar 21, 2016AM5Nature guide, Jaideep Singh Leopard and Sloth bear were sighted at different places..
474Leopard Dec 18, 2017PM1Nature guide, Jaideep Singh A leopard and a sloth bear were sighted.
475Sloth bear Dec 18, 2017PM1Nature guide, Jaideep Singh A leopard and a sloth bear were sighted.
476JackalFeb 16, 2017AM6Nature guide, Jaideep Singh A jackal was sighted.
477Leopard Feb 27, 2017AM2,4Nature guide, Jaideep Singh Two different-2 leopards were sighted at different-2 zones.
478Hyena Dec 28, 2017AM6Nature guide, Jaideep Singh Very rare sighting- Hyena was sighted.
479Leopard Mar 23, 2017AM6Nature guide, Jaideep Singh It was big day for the visitors of zone no.6 while They spotted big three of Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve. First, Kumbha was sighted and another spot, a leopard was also sighted. After that a sloth bear was sighted while it was walking ...
480Sloth bear Mar 23, 2017AM6Nature guide, Jaideep Singh It was big day for the visitors of zone no.6 while They spotted big three of Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve. First, Kumbha was sighted and another spot, a leopard was also sighted. After that a sloth bear was sighted while it was walking ...

Note: The reported data is based on the tiger sighting updates from tourism zone at Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve by Ranthambhore nature guides and drives.