Rare Animal Sighting Updates at Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve

The following table serves as a record of rare animal sightings updates from tourism zone other than tigers. For tigers, see Tiger Monitoring

Showing 361-380 of 1,982 items.
#Animal NameRecord DateRecord TimeZoneReported ByNote
361Sloth bear Jan 23, 2017AM4,5Nature guide, Shard sharmaA sloth bear was sighted by one vehicle.
362Leopard Nov 26, 2017AM2Nature guide, Jaideep Singh Leopard was sighted.
363Sloth bear Mar 3, 2019AM10E.D.C guide, Imran AliTwo sloth bears were sighted.
364Sloth bearNov 14, 2019AM10Nature guide, JaideepA sloth bear was sighted.
365Sloth bear Nov 26, 2017AM2Nature guide, Jaideep Singh sloth bear was sighted.
366Leopard Jan 8, 2021AM2Nature guide, Shard SharmaA leopard was sighted at trees.
367Striped HyenaMar 17, 2022AM5Nature guide, Satish VermaA striped hyena was sighted.
368Leopard Nov 29, 2017AM1Nature guide, Jaideep Singh RajawatA leopard was sighted.
369Sloth bear Mar 4, 2019AM6E.D.C guide, Mukesh BA sloth bear was sighted.
370Leopard Mar 18, 2022AM10 Nature guide, Net Ram MeenaA leopard was sighted.
371Leopard Jan 25, 2017AM8E.d.c guide, Imran khanA leopard was sighted. It was wonderful sighting..
372LeopardMar 4, 2019AM2Nature guide, Shakir AliA leopard was sighted.
373Leopard Mar 18, 2022AM5Nature guide, Ramkesh MeenaA leopard was sighted.
374Leopard Feb 24, 2016AM6E.d.c guide, Imran khanLeopard was sighted.
375Sloth bear Oct 7, 2018AM8E.d.c guide, Imran khanSloth bear was sighted.
376Sloth bear Mar 4, 2019AM2Nature guide, Shakir AliMother, sloth bear was sighted with her 2 tiny puppy.
377Sloth BearJan 14, 2021AM3Nature guide, Pramod Sharma Three sloth bears were sighted.
378Leopard Mar 18, 2022AM6Nature guide, Ramkesh MeenaThe two leopards were sighted.
379Sloth bear Mar 28, 2016AM6E.d.c guide, Imran khanA sloth bear was sighted...
380Sloth bear Oct 8, 2018AM6E.d.c guide, Imran khanA sloth bear was sighted.

Note: The reported data is based on the tiger sighting updates from tourism zone at Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve by Ranthambhore nature guides and drives.