Rare Animal Sighting Updates at Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve

The following table serves as a record of rare animal sightings updates from tourism zone other than tigers. For tigers, see Tiger Monitoring

Showing 241-260 of 1,982 items.
#Animal NameRecord DateRecord TimeZoneReported ByNote
241LeopardApr 20, 2019PM1Nature guide, Shaid AA leopard was sighted.
242Sloth bear Jan 12, 2016PM6Nature guide, Rajender GujurSloth bear was sighted ..
243Sloth bear Dec 31, 2016PM1Nature guide, Shard sharmaA sloth bear was sighted.
244Sloth bear Nov 11, 2017PM5Nature guide, Shard sharmaA sloth bear was sighted when it was wondering ..
245Leopard Jan 12, 2016PM6Ranthambhore driver, KallemA leopard was sitting at wall ..
246Sloth bear Dec 31, 2016PM1Nature guide, Shard sharmaA sloth bear was sighted.
247Sloth bear May 22, 2018PM2Nature guide, Ramkesh Meena A sloth bear was sighted.
248Sloth bear Feb 19, 2019PM1,10Nature guide, Shard SharmaTwo sloth bears were sighted - one in zone no.1 and second is zone no. 10.
249Sloth bearJun 27, 2019PM4Nature guide, Javed RafiA sloth bear was sighted.
250Leopard Feb 25, 2022PM4Nature guide, Shard SharmaA leopard was sighted.
251Leopard Jan 15, 2016PM4 Nature guide, Dev Raj A leopard was sighted.
252Leopard Dec 31, 2016PM1Nature guide, Ramkesh Meena A leopard was sighted.
253Sloth bear May 24, 2018PM6E. D. C Imran Ali A sloth bear was sighted.
254Sloth bear Jan 15, 2016PM1Nature guide, Irshad 3 sloth bears were sighted ..
255Sloth bear Nov 13, 2017PM6Nature guide, SunilTwo different-2 sloth bears were sighted at different-2 and 6.
256Sloth bear May 24, 2018PM6E. D. C Imran Ali A sloth bear was sighted.
257Leopard Jul 28, 2019PM1Nature guide, Javed RafiA leopard was sighted.
258Leopard Nov 13, 2017PM2Nature guide, Shard sharmaA leopard and sloth bear were sighted.
259Sloth bear May 26, 2018PM6Nature guide, Dev Raj A sloth bear was sighted.
260Sloth bear Feb 20, 2019PM4Shard SharmaA sloth bear was sighted.

Note: The reported data is based on the tiger sighting updates from tourism zone at Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve by Ranthambhore nature guides and drives.