Junior Indu

A quite young but reclusive tigress of zone no.2. T-60 aka Junior Indu has made Lahpur Valley as her territory and ranging between Lahpur Valley, Gandariya area and out of the tourism zone in Ranthambore National Park. She is the daughter of T-31, Indu, Mother.

Ranthambore tigress,T-31 whose name is Indu. She is very large and shy female from Indala Valley. Named after the Late Prime Minister Smt. Indra Gandhi who did so much to promise the cause of wildlife and tigers in particular. She has been spending her all life out of tourism area particular Indala region. So litter is known about her life.

The tigress, T-31 (Indu) had given a litter including two females.Both cubs has become sub adults and identified such as T-60 and T-59 aka Alcmene. After grew up as adults, they had separated from their mother (T-31). The Tigress, T-60 aka Junior Indu is one of them and has settled in zone no. 2 (Lahpur area) of the park. She has spent her childhood with her mother Indu aka T-31 at Indala Valley that is not included in the tourism zone. Therefore, litter is known about her early life.

She currently roams in, Gandariya and Lahpur Valley where she is occasionally seen in tourist area. In this area, T-57 aka Singhsth is the male dominated tiger who has been sighted recently. Hopefully she has been sharing her territory with a dominant tiger, Singhsth akaT-57.

Great news from T-60 aka Junior Indu

She gave birth to 3 cubs as her first litter in 2016. She was sighted with her cubs first time on 4 March 2016 by nature guides Arvind Meena and Jaideep Singh. Read more

In Ranthambore National Park, the tigress, T-6o aka Junior Indu is only tigress who has the youngest cubs of the park after the cubs of T-61 aka Junior Ladali.

Great news once more! Junior Indu aka T-60 became second time mother!

It is wonderful news from T-60, she was sighted with her newborn tiger cub on 12 April 2019.

Plz read complete story!

Mar 19, 2016
Shard Ranthambhore